
Showing posts from November, 2014

12 days to go....

Assalamualaikum and Good Day, Please be informed that effective 30 th of November 2014, I am no longer working as Scheduler. I would like to take opportunity to say a big thanks to Greer, Chad who brought me here at the first place. Many thanks to the Operation Department especially Planning and scheduling Section for accepting me to be a part of the “family members” and personnel at Field north platform that I had been working with. I really enjoy and will always remember the moments and experience which is I gain while I was in the “Family”. Then I am sure….You also will be missing kinda too… “, Anyway, It’s not easy for me to make the decision to be away from this “Family” instead of my “Jannah Family”. But all starts have been ending. Again, thanks for the guidance and experience which nothing in the world could ever buy. I believe a good people will be reward with a good things. Wish me luck and hope to see you again !   ...