My 4th Bundle of Joy :)


Today is 18th day of confinement.... Alhamdulillah all is well...both mommy and new born more healhty... i can walk better... i can eat more...opsss... no, no.. i already lose 15 kg... its normal for me ok...its time for to pantang...

This was my fourth delivery and fouth caesarian.. i used to think that is enough for my age next coming 35. Not to suit to wake up again to take care new born on future... but if the rezeki come again...not my takdir to decline it...

I just thinking again... eventho my pretty mother already passed away about 16 years... and i cant feel her love and affection during my maternity leave... but i still get all of love from my lovely friend forever... he is my chef...he is my handyman shower..he is everything.... how is lucky for day i never thinking about it!

This is menu was cooked by my lucky i have him in my life....

ok got to go.. myMAF already calling me...


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