How to manage Emotional Distraction

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 It’s not uncommon for our personal lives and our professional lives interfere with one another. This is especially true when it’s something negative we are dealing with in either sphere. Whether it’s conflict or frustration in the workplace or tension or tragedy in your personal life, bringing work home or bringing home to work can be one of the biggest distractions and barriers to productivity. It’s challenge to stay focused and on task when your mind is in another place.
Emotions are a powerful force that is difficult to control sometimes, and unfortunately there is no On/Off switch. The fine lines that separate the different spheres of our lives are not impenetrable force fields immune to emotional carry-over. So, what can you do when emotional distraction leaves your work or personal life competing for your attention? Here are some suggestions for muting the interruptions of your mind when they are impeding on your concentration:

  • Focus on the present moment
  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Resolve the issue
  • Concentrate on something else
  • Listen to music
  • Breathe!
Emotions can create a ripple effect that reaches beyond our minds if we let it affect our behavior. Emotionally charged actions can get out of hand and lead to regrettable consequences. These are some things to remember when your mind is not in its right state:

  • Take it out on someone else
  • Obsess about it
  • Vent to someone you can’t trust
  • Let it affect the quality of your work
  • Use it as an excuse
Is there anything else you would add to these lists? Can you give any examples of a time you dealt with distracting emotions and how you managed them?
To a happy, healthy, productive life!
This is a remider for me as well...xoxo...Iman kita ada naik turun....banyakkan lagi  zikir fatimah...
ada banyak tip juga :)

Be accountability : Allah telah lama mengingatkan, "selamatkanlah dirimu dan keluargamu daripada api neraka"
Kalau orang corporate cakap org putih...ehe2

Friday Fit Tip: Be Accountable
One of the keys to sticking to a healthy eating and exercise routine is personal accountability. Who will know if you eat a handful of Reeses from the office candy bowl? Or who’s going to care if you skip your workout for the third day in a row? YOU should. You are the only person responsible for your own progress and the only one to blame if you slip. You alone have the power to achieve your goals, overcome hurdles, and resist temptation. True personal accountability means sticking to your decision to live a healthy lifestyle, even when no one is watching.
Personal accountability isn’t easy. In fact, I am partly writing this post as a reminder to myself. I have a tendency to self-sabotage when I get frustrated from not seeing results as quickly as I want. Does this sound familiar to any of you?
Here are some suggestions to help keep you accountable for your fitness goals:

When you put your goals, or even your intentions, out there for others to see, it makes them real and makes them known. If you just keep them to yourself, it makes it is a lot easier to slack. Tell you family and your friends. Even ask them to intervene if they see you about to make a decision that will hurt your progress. (Of course, it would have to be a really close friend to be able to say “put down that pizza!” and survive).
Social media is a great tool for spreading the word and seeking support. I found an excellent article about how to use social media as your accountability partner.

Sometimes, we need a little extra help keeping motivated and sticking to a routine. If you are having trouble keeping yourself accountable, seek out an accountability partner. This can be a personal trainer if you need someone more like a drill sargent to keep you on track. A workout buddy is another option because it’s a mutually beneficial relationship. You can motivate and support each other, and you tend to be more accountable when someone else is depending on you. Online forums and support groups, such, and, are out there if you need a larger community to support you.

If you haven’t taken “before” pictures and measurements, I recommend that you do. Especially if you aren’t happy with the way you look right now. Print this picture and place it somewhere you’ll see it often (like your refrigerator or bathroom mirror) as a constant reminder of why you shouldn’t cheat your plan. Another reminder could be a pair of jeans you want to fit into or a bikini you will be wearing soon. I cut out pictures of women with the body I want and post those as motivation too.

I’ve never used any, but these fitness accountability apps sounded pretty neat.GymPact is an app that lets you schedule your workouts for the week and the amount you are willing to pay if you miss one of your scheduled workouts. Every time you go to the gym, you “check in” with your phone, and at the end of the week, all of the money collected from people who missed their workout is divided and payed to those who went.MyFitnessPal is a calorie counter and diet and exercise journal that lets you track what you eat and how many calories you burn each day.

As you enter your weekend, consider these methods to help you stay accountable. And remember, weekends count too!
Aha...huhu....ingat istiqamah yaaa


The C4CUBE Team said…

I am happy you enjoyed my blog. Please credit me at the beginning of this post instead of in the middle of the 3 articles you re-posted.


Michelle Fox
Wanna said…
Owh... I hate exercise... But, I will try to manage it someday...Insya Allah..
Hi michalle..Thanks for allow me to share...

@wanna..huh...thats y i love freedom...tgh manage time jugak...:P

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